I am glad to hear that Mac (or the name I think I might call him Pichón) is ok. That is scary. It is amazing that he didn´t break anthing. He has some strong bones and what it looks like in the picture some fat. I am just happy to hear that he is ok and that he is learning who I am. He is going to love me. A kid in the ward here fell off the second story of the stake center and nothing happened. Lucky kid.
I hope you aunt will be ok. I guess it is never too late to learn those things. She would do good here in Argentina because you can´t pump your own gas. By law they have to have a professional do it. What a great profession! But I hope she is ok. It has to be really hard to lose your husband like that.
That is pretty cool about Josh´s new rank in the marines. I have like no idea what it is but that is cool. Does he get paid more? I sure hope so. People think that it is like the coolest thing to hear that he is in the marines. They always tell me not to mess with him. I just tell them that I am not scared of him. We will see when I see him again. I havn´t seen him for a long time. right now a little more than two years. I think. But that is really cool that he gets some good words put in for him. Is he going to stay in the marines for longer than 5 years or is he stopping? Just curious.
I hope you all are enjoying being warm. It is freezing right now. It snowed on wedensday or thursday I can´t remember what day. But it had been cold. We are just babies down here. We are just not used to it. The cold weather just came in from no where. We woke up and all of a sudden it was cold and snowing. I was with E Barlow on divisions. He is such a funny elder from Utah. We went to his area and he got lost which wasn´t that fun in the cold. But we had some fun. He is pretty new so I don´t blame him on getting lost. But not only did he get lost but he also doesn´t know spanish very well either. It was really fun though. I am going to send you some pictures of elder vazquez and I in all our winter clothes. The only bad thing is that it is really cold outside and in most houses it is colder inside. We can´t escape it. We are teaching a family that lives in a house made out of mud bricks and it has wholes in the walls. I just don´t get how they don´t freeze to death. But is it what they have.
This week was really good, other than the cold. We are teaching a lot of people and are just trying to help them understand the importance of going to church. All of them are catholic and they are used to going to church once or twice a year. Not every sunday. It is always fun taking to people to church or the house of Elvira. I want to know what they think when they go in. It is a pretty scethcy house.
We were going to have 2 baptisms this last week and the other elders had 4. Everything was going good. We had the interviews done, we have the baptismal clothes ready, talks and everything. The bishos calls us at about 7 pm saturday night and told us that their was a gas leak and that they have to turn off the gas in the chapel. We can´t baptize anyone in cold water right now, it is to cold So we have to wait until next sunday. We have been working so hard with these two girls and we finally had them ready. They have a testimony and are reading and praying. There is always problems though I just have to keep remembering that. But they are going to be good. We are going to have them baptized next week and maybe another lady also. We are trying to baptize 5 this month and we have to work really hard to finish it up. There are two more weeks and then we are already in August. Time is going so fast. I have to work really hard to finish my goal for this year. I just can´t stop until the end. There isn´t much time left. This transfer has gone so fast and then I have one more left. Elder Vazquez is getting down to the wire too. I am glad president put us together. We can depend on eachother and we are both working hard to finish our goals.
We are trying to complete a family right now. (the two girls that are getting baptized) They are the Morales family. They are so cool. They love us. They always get us little presents. The mom is the best. She doesnt understand everything still but she wants to do the best she can. She helps us out a lot. She gets the kid in shape. We played Don´t Eat Pete this last week and they loved it. They have been playing like every night. They are a family of 11 and live in a really small house. All of them are really close except two girls. The ones getting baptized. They fight a lot. That is why we have had to help them. They see a differnce when they are doing what they should do. I wish they would just relize gets nothing accomplished if you fight. I always tell them that I feel so bad when I think about fighting with one of my brothers or sisters back at home. I tell them once you get older all the little things don´t matter and just have to learn to love eachother. We can see in them that they are doing better. I hope they stay like that. They need to relize that the best friends that you will have are the family members.
Alright to I dont have much more time but I just want to say that I love you all. I am so greatful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Really it changes the lives of people in such a great way. They just have to give it a try. Happy people live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dont forget it. I love my mission and all that it has taught me and all the people that I have met. I wouldnt change it for anything.
Have a good week.
Elder B. Smith
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