Well it sounds like everyone is doing great. I hope everyone loved conference. It was amazing. Well to start out, that´s so cool that bryce got his patriarchal blessing. Bryce you will learn to love that blessing. Mine is in my spanish scriptures and i read it every week in sacrament meeting. Ha ha but i guess yours is really long i hope sacrament meeting is long enough. Wow, jenna and todd are going to live in Queen Creek. That´s pretty cool. Far but cool. So this week i am going to send you pictures of when we were at conference. It is all the elders of the state of Nuevo Cuyo. Our zone has two stakes so not everyone of my zone will be in it. But it was fun. Ha ha we took a picture because there was a guy taking picture we think for the liahona and he wouldnt take one of us becuase he wanted families. So we got a little bitter and took one ourselves. Thats great that allen is going to buy the trailor for the mexicans that will be nice to keep it close. I am excited to see the picture of the new trailor. Ha ha and a picture of lewis´s new trailor. I cant even imagine it. I havent seen a trailor like those in six months. Ha ha it is like 40 years behind in technology here. Well i dont know if that much but it is pretty bad. I am also sending a picture of me and an elder from Córdoba Argentina. He is an assistant and is way cool. His name is elder rubiolo. But lets see.
Pday is still Monday. It was only Tuesday last week because we had zone conference. And i got a call from elder jarvis yesterday about the money for the suit. I dont know when i will be able to go buy. I cant today because we have to wait for the guy to come fix our water heater. I havnt had hot water in 3 weeks. And right now it is starting to cool down so we need it in the morning. But thanks so much for doing that. Just so i know how much is it. President said i could find a good one for 100 dollars. That is what i will try to do. But just so i know. Just so you know. My shirts are fine for now. They will last i think. I will see in a couple of months. And i dont know what i will do with the suits as of right now. I will think about it. I can still use the pants and use the jacket until i buy a new suit. We will see. Wow brady has a month left that is so crazy. Man that went fast. So is mine almost 7 months. Wow.
Well lets see. So Saturday and Sunday we were in the stake center all day. Saturday sessions were from 1-3 5-7 and 9-11. they get brodcasted live so we were in the stake center till 11. man was i tired. But it was so good. Saturday morning with elder hales talk i loved and will help me when i get married. It was pretty sad though becuase there were like 30 people for that session and it was really good. It is really hard for people to go to all sessions becuase of the buses. But Sunday sessions were packed. So i totally called the new apostle. I picked either him or elder aidukatis. But i really like elder andersen. I loved his testimony and his good spirit. One thing that they talked a lot about was family home evening, family prayer and scripture study. they really drilled that into our minds. They also talked a lot about temples. How the people who live clothes dont go enough sometimes. Just to let you all know, you are all so lucky to have that temple so close. I miss the timeple so much. Go to the temple. I will go again in a year and a half, i cant wait. Well to tell you my favorite talks. Was when elder holland talked about christ. How he had to feel alone from god so he knew how we felt. I dont know that talk just broght the atonement alive even more. I cant wait til i can just read that talk slowly and really take it in. I love elder holland. My other favorite was from elder perry. About how we as missionaries can not do it alone. And we shouldnt do it alone. It was really what all these argentines needed to hear in the ward. We need more help. They know this area and these people better then we do. He said that the missionariew shouldnt be finding more then teaching. All of the elders that we listening with me in the english roomed loved it to. I sure hope it will kick the members here in gear. I think elder cubilla and i are going to do a ward activity for missionry work. How you could invite your friends to chruch. How you can open your mouth with them and how you could give away a book of mormon. I think it should be really good.
I loved all the talks for conference and ya it seems really short. I remember as a kid they took forever to get done and then they two hours inbetween went really fast. It was oppisite this time. The sessions went really quick and the two hours between took forever. I loved it and i cant wait til next conference.
I love you all so much. Be happy and be safe.
Oh two more things. If you get this before you send my fairwell letter. Could you also send me some piano music. In the siesta we can study and i want to start pracitcing the piano again. If you can it will be great. Also. In the ensign from november 2008, the conference talks of october, i dont know if it is the same with the liahona that we get. But there are two argenine familes pictures in the ensign. One of the family is the stake president and the other family is in my ward. Look to see if they are there.
Thatnks i love you all.
Elder smith
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