So lets see. it sounds like everyone is doing really good. thats what i like to hear. ha ha so i got your valentines card. i totally forgot about that holliday they dont even celebrate it. but thanks a lot for the card i really liked it. i wish elder macias could of saw it he would of thought that it was so cool. kinda like when we went to shopping. shopping is a mall here. and ya it is called ´shopping´. but when we went in he was so amazed. he never seen anything like a mall in his whole life. he would like the card i know it. but so ya. FELIZ CUMPLE EMILY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Wow you are getting so old. How old are you? I forget. But happy birthday I love you. So mom got to meet the osmands. Or something I don’t know how to spell it. That is so cool. And went bowling. We aren’t aloud to go bowling anymore so I am glad I did it the first week of the mission. Ha ha but oh well I am not here to bowl I can do that when I get home. Speaking of that, i have already been gone 5 months and in this transfer I am going to complete 6 months. Wow crazy. Almost a fourth way done with my mission. Crazy.
So the parents of elder riggs are Karen and larry. Don’t know if she is going to know them but that would be cool. So ya elder riggs plays the violin in sacrament meeting and in makes it so much better. Argentines don’t really know how to sing. And when having investigators it makes it a lot better. I cant believe I am saying this but hearing about the garden. I actually want to do some stuff like that. Everytime we ask people if they need help while they are working they just laugh. The must think we are some weird Americans that don’t know how to work. They got the weird Americans part right. Ha ha. Today we were talking about how much we like that we can talk in English and no one will understand us. It is so much fun. Ha ha. So ya I think I am going to finally send pictures of the last baptism now. Oh and dad. Ha ha we don’t have a ward mission leader the baptism was on us. Ha ha it went well the only problem was that the branch president was late. But other then that it was way good. We had to youths speak about baptism and the holy ghost and I baptized her. It was way good. She has been reading from the book of mormon and we are going back to see her tonight.
So lets see. This last week we found a new family. They are diego and natalia. They have three kids. And they are really good. We found them knocking doors. We have gone over there like 3 times now. And I really think they are going to progress. I sure hope so. They like the thing about the word of wisdom. She doesn’t drink but they she wants her husband to stop. The good thing is that he wants to also. They understand everything really well. We watched the restoration with them last night. And they loved that part when God and Jesus Christ appeared to joseph smith. We gave them a book of mormon and left them 2 nephi 31 and 32. it is so simple. The only way we can get to live with God again is if we are baptized and receive the holy ghost and endure to the end. I just am learning how to teach it to them so they see the importance too. If they read and pray I know they will know it is true. They are going to be so good. I know it. So another funny thing about them is that here in argentina you have neighborhoods that have names. So they live in neighborhood San Jorge and in the neighborhood they have block that are lettered. So there is block a, block b, block c and so forth. They live on block d house number 10. so in Spanish it is d diez. And de diez is a saying. Like it means awesome. If someone asked you how you are doing you say de diez. So this family lives on d diez and they are a family de deiz. I don’t know if you got that but it is pretty funny for us here.
So something else really funny. We were knocking doors and we found a family that just moved into the branch. And they asked if we have pictures and so I gave them my little album. They started looking through it and the grandma said ¨I don’t see you in any of these pictures¨ I said no I am right there is the middle. Ha ha and then they said. Man you were fat. I guess that is a good thing that they said I WAS fat. Ha ha I thought it was funny.
So bryce wanted to here something funny. So we were walking down the road and we saw a lady with a hose watering down two dogs that looked like they were just playing in the water. But they were fighting and the lady was trying to stop them. But we didn’t know so we just kept watching then she yelled. Don’t watch help. So we started throwing rocks and the dogs but they just kepted fighting. So elder riggs got a huge stick and just started pokeing there heads. That didn’t work so the lady said hit them. So he hit them over the head with this branch. Hard. They finally stopped and ran away. But it was funny. We were just sitting there throwing rocks and the dogs and hitting them with stick. I guess there was a dog fight outside our pench this morning but we were studying in the other room. I heard it was a pretty good fight too.
Well this next week we have zone conference I am really excited for that. And other than that everyting in good. We are working hard and are getting way tired everyday. But hey that is what we are supposed to do. No? but I am happy and and understanding more and more each day. Ha ha oh ya. The daughter of the de diez family likes to listen to us because she likes our accents. If that gets her baptized I am fine with it. Well I love you all so much. Be safe.
Elder smith
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