Hey well it sounds like everyone is doing really good. Wow, that is some cold weather mom; thankfully it really hasn’t been that hot here. I actually had to sleep with a sheet on last night and I was still pretty cold. That is weird that they split the ward again. Let’s see, in the past like 3 years we have been in like 4 wards now living in the same house. That is pretty funny. But it is actually really good because it just means that the church is growing. I wish they did that more often here in Argentina. Little by little here the work will go on. That is sweet that you saw elder lewis´ mom. Everyone has been asking if I heard anything from elder lewis and I just say no, but now I do. That is cool that he is with some friends living. Ya a lot of missionaries didn’t want to go before Christmas here. We did have a lot of fun here, but still it is not like at home.
I still can’t picture little Justin fox in New York City. Ha ha, but ya I talked to a missionary here that is from New York and he told me that he is in a way dangerous area. Well that is when he was in the bornx I don’t know where he is at right now. But my last companion read a lot about Muslims. I guess musslims are actually pretty close to our religion or something like that. He actually said that if he wasn’t Mormon he would be Muslim. That is why getting people to pray is so important. If they don’t pray they don’t get an answer and never will really have a strong testimony. But that is really hard when investigators do that. It just happened like 3 weeks ago with Norma. The only problem is that she got her answer and she didn’t want to follow it. Hopefully in the future she will.
That is so crazy that Lindsay is pregnant. At first I was thinking that it was really soon. But I guess they have been married for like a little more than a year and a half. They got married the same day I got my mission call like May 19th or something like that. Wow, does time fly by. So, Weston is talking a whole lot more. That is awesome!!!! I sure hope he is dating still and having fun. He deserves it. My new companion actaully looks a lot like Weston and kind of acts like him. So the Cardinals are doing well then, that is awesome. Let me know if they won that game.
I can´t believe that Brett left for him mission today. It seems like yesterday that he just got his mission call. He is going to love it even though he has to go to Provo. The Provo mtc is still a lot of fun just because there are a lot of people and 3 meals everyday. I sure hope he knows to take advantage of 3 good meals a day because if Brazil is like Argentina there are some areas that you don’t get food that much. So offically grandma and grandpa have 3 grandsons in the mission speaking 3 different languages. But we all know that the language that I speak is better. All of you are going to be taking advantage of me when I get home with my Spanish.
Alright so a little about what has happened this last week. It have been a pretty crazy week. So let’s see, this transfer I was going to train and stay in Balloffet but because of the problem with the investigator I couldn’t stay there. So instead of training I went to San Luis in an area called Villa Mercedes. I am with Elder Deuel from Utah and he is about done with him mission. It is kind of nice because I don’t have to help him with his language or anything like that. Well on Tuesday night I said goodbye to all the members in my last area and the sister missionaries in my district made me and elder quebbeman brownies my last night there and a pb&j sandwhich for my bus ride. They were a good district. But we left San Rafael at about 8 30 in the morning and went to Mendoza. I saw a lot of missionaries in the Terminal and then got on a bus for San Luis. It was about 4 hours to San Luis. Then when I got to San Luis I had another hour and a half to Villa Mercedes. So I finally got there at about 6. So I was traveling for like 9 and a half hours. It was horrible. Those buses are not that confortable. But I got to Villa Mercedes and I like with two other Elders, one from Washigton and the other from Texas. They are all pretty cool. We all have more then a year in the mission so it is pretty fun to live with them. One is really serious and quiet but it is still fun. My new area is called 25 de Mayo. MY BIRTHDAY. Cool huh? We share the ward with two other elders. It is kind of weird to share a ward. So we share a ward and that also means that we share lunches. So we have to cook a lot more here, but oh well. I like the area. San Luis is a lot greener than Mendoza. I guess it rains a lot but it has only rained once since I have been here. Inbetween here and San Luis there are just fields and fields of corn. But they are on all rolly hills and I knew they could irrigate and so I asked a farmer and they all depend on rain here. We just can´t do that in Arizona, everything would die. But it is way pretty to just see hills of corn on both sides of the road.
We have a guy here that his family is already members that finally pulled around and wants to get baptized. He wants to go to the temple with his family. So we are teaching him and we are hoping to get him baptized on the 23rd. We are pretty excited. Elder Deuel wants to baptize once before he goes home. He goes home in febuary. On Saturday I had to go into San Luis for a meeting with the Assistants about district leaders. It was really nice. They just helped us get a little more excited to do our job and everything. In church we had this guy that wants to be baptized come, his name is José Castro. And the other elders had two in church too. So we are doing pretty well.
On pday we went to go see waterfalls. We left at about 6 30 and went to San Luis and then when we got there we went to a place called Potrero or something like that. We didn’t want to have to pay for a guide so we decided to walk up the river. Well the missionary that asked didn’t get the right directions and we took the wrong river. But we were determined to find this waterfall. Ha ha we walked like 3 hours up stream and never say anything. It actually looked a lot like Black River just a little greener. But it was still fun. It was a pretty nice hike. But man I am tired. We walked fast up streem for like 3 and then like 2 and half hours back. We were all pretty dead and I am so glad I put of sun scream. I took some pictures and I will send them. We got back and took a bus to Villa Mercedes. We were just driving down talking and having a good time and we heard and felt a big POP hit the side of the bus. So we look out and I see there tire flying in all difernet dirrections. So we all got out the bus and they changed the tire. It made the day a little more exciting. I will be sure to send some pictures. It was way funny. We had a pretty good week and we are excited to work hard again this week. Oh mom could you chech when mcc starts. Also if you could send me some of the razor blade things I only have one left. If you just send like 4 in a bubble envolope I won’t have to pay for it. That is about it that happened this week. Oh, there are a lot more dogs here that anywehre else. It is really crazy. Well I hope you all have a great week. I love you all a lot.
Elder Smith
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