Wow, it is already august. I cant believe that. Time is going by so fast. CRAZY!!!! This last transfer went by so quickly. I can´t believe it has just been 6 weeks. But that´s how it goes. Thanks Jenna for the pictures and videos of Mac. They were really nice. He is so big. I didn´t imagine him that big. He looks like a really happy kid though. It is crazy how things change so fastly. Bryce is going to be a senior in ten days. I really can´t believe that one. That is really really crazy. That means it has been 4 years since I started my senior year. I am getting old. Oh well.
Ya I remember going to the Randolf Center. Like you said mom, it is really humbling (i dont know how to spell that). But it is a really good experience. I liked it a lot. It really does think of the blessings that one has. Just being healthy. A lot of people ask for that when we pray with them for the first time and I am finally understanding it. It´s just our family has been really blessed with being healthy. I hope it stays that way too.
I still keep forgeting that Jenna is in a new house. When you said their house looks really nice I just thought of the one by the wharehouse. That is going to be weird that she is way out there in the booneys. Spaghetti sounds good. I haven´t eaten a good meal in a while. I have a lot more respect for the member that give food to the missionaries. We have had one home cooked meal in zonda for the last five weeks. It has been weird just eating in the Pajarito eating a sandwhich(a nasty sandwhich) everday. But I garentee that the spaghetti sauce is better there than here. I like it, it is just not the best.
That sounds so nice with all the rain and the good weather. The weather has been pretty nice here too. Not too cold. I hope it stays that way. I don´t like the cold while being a missionary or atleast not in argentina. If it is cold outside it is cold inside too.
I am so excited to go to the temple again. It has been too long since I have gone. I need to go get refreshed. I just miss the quietness of it and just being so clean.
So is Kylie getting excited to start the mission. She only has like six weeks left before she goes. She is going to love it.
So we had a really good week this week. First off I am going to tell a story that happened today going to play soccer for p day. OUR BUS CRASHED!!!!!!!!! It was crazy. We were just going down the road and I was standing up just holding on to the bars and then a guy got up so I sat down. I was sitting down and then we hear the tires screak and everyone yell. Then BOOOOOMMM all the people standing up went flying to the front of the bus. I was just in my seat and how I was sitting I just hit my side in the seat in front of me. I look out the front window and we t-boned the car that just pulled out infront of us. What was she thinking? We helped the old ladys up. One hurt her knee and the other fell down the steps but I think she was ok. The lady in the car was bleeding pretty bad out of her eye. They ambulance got there and helped her out of her car and then we left. It really is a miracle that that is the only thing that happened. We hit her hard. I am just glad that a missionary didnt get hurt. There were like ten missionaries one there. I was thinking today. If something really did happen. It would ruin their mission. I am so glad that everything was ok. We were really blessed today that nothing happened.
So that is the bus crash. Well today we started a new transfer. My last one. It is kind of sad. Elder Vazquez is leaving and I am getting a new companion named Elder Frost. I don´t know him at all or even where he is from. I heard he is cool though. So I am pretty excited.
So with the Morales family. We baptized Carolina this sunday. Everything went well. She looked so happy. They have changed so much. We went to fill the font and the door wouldnt work on one side. So I had to go through the other one to change the water. That is why in one of the pictures you see me climbing through the font. It was pretty fun. It was a good baptism and the stake president which is the best by far leader that i have met in argentina did the confirmation. it was a really good meeting. Earlier in the week we were at their house and the dad came out and sat at the table with us (which has never happened before). He was just sitting there and he had told us before that he didnt want anything to do with it. he was ok with his family going but he dint want anything to do with it. He just sad down and i asked him what he thought of us(missionaries) now. his respons was a little lame. he said you are both really good. So i kept on asking him. i asked him about the changes he has seen in his family. he said that he really has seen a big change in his family. we then asked everyone there how going to church has helped in their lives. the best were of the mom and the two oldest girls. one of the girls said that it was a relief to go and just rest and learn. the other said that she goes because it makes her feel a lot better. one of the girls is 22 and has 2 kids. she never would stay with her kids. she would just go hang out with her friends. but a week ago she didnt go hang out, she wanted to be with her family. she said that it was the important thing not the friends. the mom said that she loves going to church because of the way her family has changed. when i got to zonda the mom said that carolina would never change and that she is the worst child she had. she now says the total opposite. you can actually see the love in them now. i love that family so much, i am going to miss then a ton. It is amazing how just keeping the commandments just really does bless people. i wish more people would realize it.
We have also been working with another family. The MontaƱa family. the one with the whole family and elder barlow with his super man shirt. They are a really good family. as you can see in the pictures that they are eating pixy stix. they really like them a lot. it also really helps keep the kids quiet during the lessons. There are a miracle. but this family is doing really good. they all went to church. they are a family of 7. they are learing a lot. the mom is a little slow with all the things but she is getting it slowly. they made us a asado or bbq on saturday. it wasnt the best but it is the thought that counts. we really hope that this family gets baptized because we need more priesthood holders in zonda. we have been really praying about this family. they are a really important family for zonda.
on sunday we had to go to the stake center. so we rented a van. there are 15 seats but we had a total of 20 people. it was AWESOME. Our goal was to fill the van and we got it. God is really blessing zonda right now. elder frost and i just have to keep on with the work there. he is going to love it.
last night i met up with raul meaurio. the guy that got baptized last year in santa lucia. it was so sweet to see him. he was really happy to see me too. he bowed down to me when he saw me. he also told me that i still have a piece of land if i want to build a house in san juan. ha ha he is funny. but it was really nice to know that he is doing good and that he is still active.
we ate lunch with the bishop chacon and his family. they are from santa lucia and we also visited a inactive family that we were working with. it was so good to see them all. it is good to catch up with all of them.
So i had to use that 50 dollars becasue the money that the mission gave me just doesnt make it for the month. we travel to much. but i need to know if anyone wants anything from here. i dont know what to get. the close are the same from the state and so is jewlry. so if anyone wants anything tell me and i will see if they have it here. let me know.
well i am about out of time. i hope you all have a good week. i love you all so much.
love elder smith
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